$200 Donation


With Your Pledge of $200 or More – You will receive a signed copy of “The Upstairs Cat” including a bookmark of the “Rescue Me” poem found at the end of every book. You will also get an early pdf of “A Pup's Tale” before the scheduled release and a print of the cover art from “The Upstairs Cat” signed by the author, and Open Door Publishing will donate 10 books to your school or local library of “The Upstairs Cat”. (outside US will be charged shipping).



With Your Pledge of $200 or More – You will receive a signed copy of “The Upstairs Cat” including a bookmark of the “Rescue Me” poem found at the end of every book. You will also get an early pdf of “A Pup’s Tale” before the scheduled release and a print of the cover art from “The Upstairs Cat” signed by the author, and Open Door Publishing will donate 10 books to your school or local library of “The Upstairs Cat”. (outside US will be charged shipping). Open Door Publishing is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the IRS. All gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.